tailieunhanh - Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII

Long had the Goths been lords of Spain. Chief after chief had they chosen, king after king had they served; and, though it was young in time, Gothic Spain was growing old in years. It reached its golden age in the time of "Good King Wamba," a king of fancy as much as of fact, under whom Spain became a land of Arcady, everybody was happy, all things prospered, and the tide of evil events for a space ceased to flow. In those days, when a king died and left no son, the Goths elected a new one, seeking their best and worthiest, and holding. | Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - by Charles Morris 1 PROJECT GUTENBERG HISTORICAL TALES - THE ROMANCE OF REALITY - VOLUME VII Charles Morris Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality -by Charles Morris The Project Gutenberg EBook of Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII by Charles Morris This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at http license Title Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII Author Charles Morris Release Date October 3 2006 Ebook 19457 Language English Character set encoding ISO 8859-1 START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HISTORICAL TALES - THE ROMANCE OF REALITY - VOLUME VII Illustration CHARLES V. AT YUSTE. CHARLES V. AT YUSTE. Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - by Charles Morris 2 Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality By Charles Morris Author of Half-Hours with the Best American Authors Tales from the Dramatists etc. in fifteen volumes Volume VII London George Bell and Sons 1898 Copyright 1898 by J. B. Lippincott Company. Copyright 1904 by J. B. Lippincott Company. Copyright 1908 by J. B. Lippincott Company. CONTENTS THE GOOD KING WAMBA. THE GREEK KING S DAUGHTER. THE ENCHANTED PALACE. THE BATTLE OF THE GUADALETE. THE TABLE OF SOLOMON. THE STORY OF QUEEN EXILONA. PELISTES THE DEFENDER OF CORDOVA. THE STRATAGEM OF THEODOMIR. THE CAVE OF COVADONGA. THE ADVENTURES OF A FUGITIVE PRINCE. BERNARDO DEL CARPIO. RUY DIAZ THE CID CAMPEADOR. LAS NAVAS DE TOLOSA. THE KEY OF GRANADA. KING ABUL HASSAN AND THE ALCAIDE OF GIBRALTAR. THE RIVAL KINGS OF GRANADA. THE KNIGHT OF THE EXPLOITS. THE LAST SIGH OF THE MOOR. THE RETURN OF COLUMBUS. PETER THE CRUEL AND THE FREE COMPANIES. THE GREAT CAPTAIN. A KING IN CAPTIVITY. THE INVASION OF AFRICA. AN EMPEROR RETIRED FROM BUSINESS. THE FATE OF A RECKLESS PRINCE. SPAIN