tailieunhanh - Organizational Leadership Part 2

Tương tự, thái độ người tuân theo, kinh nghiệm, đặc điểm nhân cách, và hành vi, cũng như các nhóm chỉ tiêu và khả năng liên kết cũng ảnh hưởng đến quá trình lãnh đạo. | 3 Hughes-Ginnett-Curphy Leadership Fifth Edition IV. Focus on the Situation Introduction The McGraw-Hill Companies 2005 Part 4 Focus on the Situation In previous chapters we noted that understanding leaders and followers is much more complicated than many people first think. For example we examined how leaders personality characteristics behaviors and attitudes affect the leadership process. Similarly followers attitudes experience personality characteristics and behaviors as well as group norms and cohesiveness also affect the leadership process. Despite the complexities of leaders and followers however perhaps no factor in the interactional framework is as complex as the situation. Not only do a variety of task organizational and environmental factors affect behavior but the relative salience or strength of these factors varies dramatically across people. What one person perceives to be the key situational factor affecting his or her behavior may be relatively unimportant to another person. Hughes-Ginnett-Curphy I IV. Focus on the Situation I Introduction ï Leadership Fifth Edition The McGraw-Hill Companies 2005 1 5 328 Part Four Focus on the Situation Moreover the relative importance of the situational factors also varies over time. Even in the course of a single soccer game for example the situation changes constantly The lead changes the time remaining in the game changes weather conditions change injuries occur and so on. Given the dynamic nature of situations it may be a misnomer to speak of the situation in reference to leadership. Because of the complex and dynamic nature of situations and the substantial role perceptions play in the interpretation of situations no one has been able to develop a comprehensive taxonomy describing all of the situational variables affecting a person s behavior. In all likelihood no one ever will. Nevertheless considerable research about situational influences on leadership has been accomplished. Leadership researchers have .