tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: " Linking Events and Relations to Timestamps"

We present work on linking events and fluents (., relations that hold for certain periods of time) to temporal information in text, which is an important enabler for many applications such as timelines and reasoning. Previous research has mainly focused on temporal links for events, and we extend that work to include fluents as well, presenting a common methodology for linking both events and relations to timestamps within the same sentence. Our approach combines tree kernels with classical feature-based learning to exploit context and achieves competitive F1-scores on event-time linking, and comparable F1scores for fluents. Our best systems achieve. | When Did that Happen Linking Events and Relations to Timestamps Dirk Hovy James Fan Alfio Gliozzo Siddharth Patwardhan and Chris Welty IBM T. J. Watson Research Center 19 Skyline Drive Hawthorne NY 10532 dirkh@ fanj gliozzo siddharth welty @ Abstract We present work on linking events and fluents . relations that hold for certain periods of time to temporal information in text which is an important enabler for many applications such as timelines and reasoning. Previous research has mainly focused on temporal links for events and we extend that work to include fluents as well presenting a common methodology for linking both events and relations to timestamps within the same sentence. Our approach combines tree kernels with classical feature-based learning to exploit context and achieves competitive F1-scores on event-time linking and comparable F1-scores for fluents. Our best systems achieve F1-scores of on events and on fluents. 1 Introduction It is a long-standing goal of NLP to process natural language content in such a way that machines can effectively reason over the entities relations and events discussed within that content. The applications of such technology are numerous including intelligence gathering business analytics healthcare education etc. Indeed the promise of machine reading is actively driving research in this area Etzioni et al. 2007 Barker et al. 2007 Clark and Harrison 2010 Strassel et al. 2010 . Temporal information is a crucial aspect of this task. For a machine to successfully understand natural language text it must be able to associate time points and temporal durations with relations and events it discovers in text. The first author conducted this research during an internship at IBM Research. In this paper we present methods to establish links between events . bombing or election or fluents . spouseOf or em-ployedBy and temporal expressions . last Tuesday and November 2008 . While previous research