tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "Subcat-LMF: Fleshing out a standardized format for subcategorization frame interoperability"

This paper describes Subcat-LMF, an ISOLMF compliant lexicon representation format featuring a uniform representation of subcategorization frames (SCFs) for the two languages English and German. Subcat-LMF is able to represent SCFs at a very fine-grained level. We utilized SubcatLMF to standardize lexicons with largescale SCF information: the English VerbNet and two German lexicons, ., a subset of IMSlex and GermaNet verbs. To evaluate our LMF-model, we performed a crosslingual comparison of SCF coverage and overlap for the standardized versions of the English and German lexicons. The SubcatLMF DTD, the conversion tools and the standardized versions of VerbNet and IMSlex. | Subcat-LMF Fleshing out a standardized format for subcategorization frame interoperability Judith Eckle-Kohler and Iryna Gurevych f Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab UKP-DIPF German Institute for Educational Research and Educational Information ị Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab UKP-TUDA Department of Computer Science Technische Universitat Darmstadt http Abstract This paper describes Subcat-LMF an ISO-LMF compliant lexicon representation format featuring a uniform representation of subcategorization frames SCFs for the two languages English and German. Subcat-LMF is able to represent SCFs at a very fine-grained level. We utilized Subcat-LMF to standardize lexicons with large-scale SCF information the English Verb-Net and two German lexicons . a subset of IMSlex and GermaNet verbs. To evaluate our LMF-model we performed a crosslingual comparison of SCF coverage and overlap for the standardized versions of the English and German lexicons. The Subcat-LMF DTD the conversion tools and the standardized versions of VerbNet and IMS-lex subset are publicly 1 Introduction Computational lexicons providing accurate lexical-syntactic information such as subcategorization frames SCFs are vital for many NLP applications involving parsing and word sense disambiguation. In parsing SCFs have been successfully used to improve the output of statistical parsers Klenner 2007 Deoskar 2008 Sigogne et al. 2011 which is particularly significant in high-precision domain-independent parsing. In word sense disambiguation SCFs have been identified as important features for verb sense disambiguation Brown et al. 2011 which is due to the correlation of verb senses and SCFs Andrew et al. 2004 . SCFs specify syntactic arguments of verbs and other predicate-like lexemes . the verb say 1http data uby takes two arguments that can be realized for instance as noun phrase and that-clause as in He says that the window is open. .