The data confirm the expected role of population and income. Early- and middle-adopting DMAs had, on average, five times larger populations and 24% larger per capita incomes than late- adopting DMAs. After controlling for log population and income, however, differences between early and late adopters appearmuch more idiosyncratic. Indeed, in regressions controlling for log pop- ulation and income, F-tests show no statistically significant re- lationship between television adoption category and percent high school educated, median age, or percent nonwhite at the DMA level. (See the online appendix to this paper for details.) All of the models we estimate below will control for DMA-level log popula- tion and income, so the parameters. | The SCIENCE OF Getting rich BY WALLACE D. WATTLES TM The Science of Getting Rich written by Wallace D. Wattles was first published in 1910 by Elizabeth Towne Publishing New York. The original text is now in public domain. However this free e-book edition is not in public domain. It cannot be shared distributed or reproduced in whole or in part. If you would like to share this e-book with others please direct them to our website where a legitimate copy can be downloaded for free. Copy as preface page for e-book of The Science of Getting Rich A note from Rhonda Byrne creator and executive producer of The Secret . Less than two years ago at a time in my life when I was facing challenges from every direction - business relationships family you name it - I stumbled across this book. Or to be more accurate IT stumbled across me I can honestly say that since that first night when a tattered printed transcript found its way to me thanks to one of my daughters my life has never been the same. Once you read it yourself you will understand why. And why was the question I had been asking myself. Why are there people who seem to attract unlimited wealth into their lives while others equally as capable or talented or worthy suffer from poverty and lack As you ll discover when you work your way through this wonderful little book it has nothing to do with education status talent environment intellectual ability physical prowess or geography. Wallace Wattles explains in simple straightforward language how ANYONE regardless of their background or circumstances can attract wealth into their lives. The opening sentence of Chapter 1 of this timeless little masterpiece says it all Whatever may be said in praise of poverty the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich. And once I had read it and internalized its simple knowledge my own life immediately turned around. My television production business started to .
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