Designing the User Interface is written for students, researchers, designers, managers, and evaluators of interactive systems. It presents a broad survey of how to develop high-quality user interfaces for interactive systems. Readers with backgrounds in computer science, psychology, industrial engineering, information science, information systems, business, education, and communications should all find fresh and valuable material. Our goals are to encourage greater attention to usability issues and to promote further scientific study of humancomputer interaction | DESIGNING THE USER INTERFACE FOURTH so T On STRATEG ES for effective HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION Thankyoufor purchasing a new copy of Oes ij77jm7 the User Interface Fourth Edittdn. Your textbook includes six months of prepaid access to the book s Companion Website. This prepaid subscription provides yoU with fullaccessto all reader resources including Links to hundreds ofHCI reso urces examples and research which enhance and expand upon the material in each chapter. Self-assessment questions. Assignments and projects. And more To access the Designing the User Interface Companion Website for the first time You will need to register online using a computer with an Internet connection and a Web browser. The process takes just a couple of minutes and only needs to be completed once. 1. Go to http dtui. 2. CIÌCk General Resources. 3. Click the Register button. 4. Use a coin to scratch offthe gray coating below and reveal your student access code . 00 not use a knife or other sharp object which can damage the code. 5. On the registration page enter your student access code. 00 not type the dashes. You can use lowercase or uppercase. 6. Follow the on-screen instructions. If you need help at any time during the online registration process simply clickthe Need Help icon. 7. Once your personal login Name and Password are confirmed you can begin using the Designing the User Interface Companion Website To log into this Web site after you ve registered You only need to register for this Companion Website once. After that you can access the site by going to http General Resources and providing your Login Name and Password when prompted. IMPORTANT The Access Code on this page can only be used once to establish a subscription to the Designing the User Interface Fourth Edition Companion Website. This subscription is valid for six months upon activation and S not transferable. If this access code has already been scratched off it may no .