tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "Defining the Semantics of Verbal Modifiers in the Domain of Cooking Tasks"

S E A F A C T (Semantic Analysis For the Animation of Cooking Tasks) is a natural language interface to a computer-generated animation system operating in the domain of cooking tasks. S E A F A C T allows the user to specify cooking tasks "using a small subset of English. The system analyzes English input and produces a representation of the task which can drive motion synthesis procedures. Tl~is paper describes the semantic analysis of verbal modifiers on which the S E A F A C T implementation is based. . | Defining the Semantics of Verbal Modifiers in the Domain of Cooking Tasks Robin F. Karlin Department of Computer and Information Science University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA 19104-6389 Abstract SEAFACT Semantic Analysis For the Animation of Cooking Tasks is a natural language interface to a computer-generated animation system operating in the domain of cooking tasks. SEAFACT allows the user to specify cooking tasks using a small subset of English. The system analyzes English input and produces a representation of the task which can drive motion synthesis procedures. This paper describes the semantic analysis of verbal modifiers on which the SEAFACT implementation is based. Introduction SEAFACT is a natural language interface to a computer-generated animation system Karlin 1988 . SEAFACT operates in the domain of cooking tasks. The domain is limited to a mini-world consisting of a small set of verbs chosen because they involve rather complex arm movements which will be interesting to animate. SEAFACT allows the user to spectfy tasks in this domain using a small subset of English. The system then analyzes the English input and produces a representation of the task. An intelligent simulation system Fishwick 1985 1987 which is currently being extended will provide the final link between the SEAFACT representation and lower level motion synthesis procedures. The representation consists of a decomposition of verbs into primitive actions which are semantically interpretable by the motion synthesis procedures. It also includes default information for all knowledge which is not made explicit in the input but must be explicit in the animated output. The representation contains sufficient nongeometric information needed to schedule task start and end times describe concurrent actions and provide reach grasp and motion goals. An empirical linguistic study of recipes was conducted with the goals of delimiting the scope of the cooking domain identifying important verbal .

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