tailieunhanh - Scwcd Exam Study Kit: Java Web Component Developer Certification

Aimed at helping Java developers, Servlet/JSP developers, and J2EE developers pass the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam (SCWCD 310-081), this study guide covers all aspects of the Servlet and JSP technology that Sun has determined necessary. This new edition adds aspects of servlet/JSP development, such as the Expression language, and updated materials of servlets with a particular focus on using filters to make request processing more efficient. Covering the reliance on the JSP Standard Template Library (JSTL) and its core, this guide allows JSP developers will be able to simplify their development process and remove Java-based scriptlets and expressions. | SECOND EDITION COMPONENT Hanumant Deshmukh Jignesh Malavia Matthew Scarpino EXAM STUDY KIT JAVA WEB DEVELOPER CERTIFICATION n MANNING Praise for the First Edition Written in a very easy-to-read conversational tone and is an excellent resource for someone who s familiar with Java but not with Servlets and JSPs or even for someone familiar with them but who needs to brush up on some of the details for the exam . The bundled CD is chock-full of excellent resources . I will definitely use this book as a resource even after the exam. JavaRanch. com If you want to buy just one book for the SCWCD exam then this is the book to buy. The book is well-written and should act as a good reference for you. JavaPrepare. com An excellent study guide highly recommended not only for SCWCD exam takers but for anyone intending to put their exam credentials to good use . a solid reference for dedicated programmers. Internet Bookwatch Five stars Well written and well organized by folks who create testing software and mock exams. The Java source code examples are concise and illustrate the point well . The Bottom Line A terrific study guide for the new Sun Certified Web Component Developer Certification SCWCD . Focus on Java at Certainly recommended for the web component developer examination . extremely well organized and goes through each and every objective explaining the concepts in a lucid manner . this book avoids the hassles of going through any API s or specs because of its thorough coverage. . the discussion is thorough and not intimidating to a novice and even a beginner of web programming can digest the material easily. Overall I strongly recommend this book as a study guide for the examination and also as a general reference for JSP technology. Austin JUG Like other Manning titles I ve reviewed this title is very dense with little fluff . indispensable if you are studying to earn this certification or just getting your feet wet in the web tier of .