This paper presents ',,n iml~lcmcntcd thct~ry fnr quanlifying noun phr:.i.,.;cs in ctmt:mting ct)pulnr verbs ( "he" ~md "bcCOIllC'). Ih(~ccctling fr()nl Icccnt thcorcticnl work I)y Jackcn(Ioll[ I')X31. this c(,uputati(,tal theory recognizes the dependence ol" the quantification dccisit)n tm the dcl~nitcness, in(lclhfitcncss, or cla'~ hi" I)olh the subject and ()hjcct of c(apulnr verbs irt Fnglish. J~lckcndofl's intuition al')out Ihc qtmntil]c:~tional interdependence of suhject :tnd ohjcct Itz~shccn imported fn,n his broader cognitive thc()ry and rel'ormulated ~,tltin a ct)nstraint propagation iizmtcwt)rk, I-'xtcnsit,ts reported here includt: the additi,m of mort: :,ctive determiners, the expansion of determiner categories, and the tre~ttmcnt of dispktccd objects. A. | MEINONGIAN SEMANTICS FOR PROPOSITIONAL SEMANTIC NETWORKS William J. Rapaport Department of Computer Science University at Buffalo State University of New York Buffalo NY 14260 rapaport buffaloecsnet-relay. ABSTRACT Tills paper surveys several approaches to semantic-network semantics that have not previously been treated in the Al or computational linguistics literature though there IS a large philosophical literature investigating them in some detail. In particular propositional semantic networks exemplified hv SXel S are dis cussed. It IS argued that only a lulls intensional Meinnngran semantics IS appropriate lor them and several Meinongian systems are presented. 1. SEMANTICS OF SEMANTIC NETWORKS. Semantic networks have proved to lie a uselul data structure lor representing information. . a knowledge representation svs tern. A better terminology is belief representation . Rapaport and Shapiro 1984. Rapaport 1981b I. The idea IS an old one Inheritance networks l ig. II. like those ol Quillian 1968. Fig. 1. An inheritance network. liohrow and Winograd s KRI. 1 177 . or Brachman s .I. 1979 . bear strong family resemblances to Torphvrv s Tree I II . 2 a mediaeval device used to illustrate the Aristotelian theory ol definition bv species and differentia cl. Kretzmann 196 . ll 2 Kneale and Kneale 1966 232 . It has been pointed out that there IS nothing essentially semantic about semantic networks Hendrix 1979 but cf. Woods 1975 Brachman 1979 . Indeed viewed as a data structure it is arguable that a semantic network IS a language possibly with an associated logic or inference mechanism for representing information about some dr main. and. as such. IS a purely syntactic entity. They have come to be called semantic primarily because of their uses as wavs of representing the mean ings of linguistic Items. As a notational device a semantic network can Itseil he given a semantics. That is. the arcs nodes and rules of a semantic network representational .
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