There were 8 persons within Set C who did not answer in the first round. But the~ also were aware of the results of the first round; therefore a Delphi effect was possible. (In the following the whole integers refer to absolute numbers; the decimal figures to relative/procentual numbers). | AN INTERNATIONAL DELPHI POLL ON FUTURE TRENDS IN INFORMATION LINGUISTICS Rainer Kuhlen Universitaet Konstanz Informationswissenschaft Box 6650 D-7750 Konstanz 1 West Germany ABSTRACT The results of an international Delphi poll on information linguistics which was carried out between 1982 and 1983 are presented. As part of conceptual work being done in information science at the University of Constance an international Delphi poll was carried out from 1982 to 1983 with the aim of establishing a mid-term prognosis for the development of information linguistics . The term information linguistics refers to a scientific discipline combining the fields of linguistic data processing applied computer science linguistics artificial intelligence and information science. A Delphi poll is a written poll of experts - carried out in this case in two phases. The results of the first round were incorporated into the second round so that participants in the poll could react to the trends as they took shape. 1. Some demoscopic data Return rate Based on sophisticated selection procedures 385 international experts in the field of information linguistics were determined and were sent questionnaires in the first round April 1982 . 90 questionnaires were returned. In the second round 360 questionnaires were mailed out January 1983 and 56 were returned 48 of these from experts who had answered in the first round. The last questionnaires were accepted at the end of June 1983. Overlapping data in the two rounds first round 90 second round 56 In the following we refer to four sets of data Set_A 90 from round 1 Set_B 48 from round 1 with answers in round 2 Set 0 56 from round 2 Set D 48 from round 2 with answers in round 1 But we shall concentrate primarily on Set_c because - according to the Delphi philosophy - the data of the second round are the most relevant. There were 8 persons within Set_c who did not answer in the first round. But they also were aware of the results of the first .