A revised and more structured version of Davey's discourse generation program has been implemented, which constructs the underlying forms for sentences and clauses by using rules which annotate and segment the initial sequence of events in various ways. | A RATIONAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE PROTEUS SENTENCE PLANNER Graeme Ritchie Department of Artificial Intelligence University of Edinburgh Hope Park Square Edinburgh EH8 9NW ABSTRACT A revised and more structured version of Davey s discourse generation program has been implemented which constructs the underlying forms for sentences and clauses by using rules which annotate and segment the initial sequence of events in various ways. 1. The Proteus Program The text generation program designed and implemented by Davey 1974 1978 achieved a high level of fluency in the generation of small paragraphs of English describing events in a limited domain games of tic-tac-toe noughts-and-crosses . Although that work was completed ten years ago the performance is still impressive by current standards. The program could play a game of noughts-and-crosses with a user then produce a fluent summary of what had happened during the game whether or not the game was complete . For example The game began with your taking a corner and I took the middle of an adjacent edge. If you had taken the corner opposite the one which you had just taken you would have threatened me but you took the one adjacent to the square which I had just taken. The game hasn t finished yet. As well as heuristics for actually playing a game the program contained rules for text generation which could be regarded as having the following components this is not a decomposition used by Davey but an organisation imposed here in order to clarify the processing a Sentence planner b Description constructor c Systems network The third syntactic component is a major part of the original Proteus program and Davey included a very detailed systemic grammar in the style of Hudson 1971 for the area of English he was concerned with consequently the written accounts Davey 1974 1978 deal mainly with these grammatical aspects. However much of the fluency of the discourses produced by Proteus seems to derive from the crucial computations