Are these practices making a difference? According to survey respondents, organizational project management maturity is improving (Figure 2). Twenty percent describe their organizations as having “high” overall project management maturity, up from 11% in 2006. Perhaps not surprisingly, larger firms tend to report higher maturity levels. Nearly 30% of firms with at least US$1 billion in annual revenues report a high maturity level compared to just 10% of those with annual revenues under US$50 million. Certain industries also are more likely to report high maturity; retail, consulting, aerospace, IT and telecommunications are among the highest. Further analysis shows that. | Concordia University Health Services STRESS MANAGEMENT A Practical Guide Health Services UNIVERSITÉ S Concordia UNIVERSITY SGW Campus 1550 de Maisonneuve W GM-200 514-848-2424 ext. 3565 Loyola Campus 7141 Sherbrooke St. W. AD 103 514-848-2424 ext. 3575 http Stress is part of life in a fast-paced society. However contrary to popular belief stress is not always bad. We need some stress to stimulate us. A certain level of stress is beneficial. This type of stress is called eustress. It helps us to set and achieve goals as well as perform at a higher level. For example the demands of an upcoming competition work project or exam can create stress which stimulates a person to work harder to win the competition finish the project on time or do well on the exam. However there are times when stress is overwhelming. This type of stress called distress paralyses rather than stimulates. It contributes to decreased health and well-being. In fact stress is a factor in 11 of the top 15 causes of death in Canada and is a significant reason for physician visits. Therefore an important part of healthy living is to learn to bring stress to beneficial levels. In order to help you learn more about managing stress we have assembled this guide on stress management. Read on to find out more about how stress is produced and some practical ways to bring stress back to a functional level where it can work for you rather than against you. 2 Types of Stress EUSTRESS Stress that helps a person perform at a higher level and achieve their goals. DISTRESS Stress that is overwhelming and hinders performance and overall well-being. What is stress Although stress has been defined in many ways the definition we use in this guide is Stress is the body s physical response to a perceived threat. In other words For stress to occur there must be a perception of some level of danger or threat. If there is no is no stress. The perception of danger is usually a result of .