Tight economic conditions will continue to force the issue of good project portfolio management. Selection of the right projects and resourcing those projects for success will be seen as critical to the efficient achievement of an organization’s strategy. Over half of respondents report frequent use of project portfolio management in their organization, an increase of five percentage points from the previous survey. According to a 2011 survey on PMI’s The Standard for Portfolio Management, financial and budget management is the second most important aspect of portfolio management, after providing “big picture” visibility to executives. . | VOICES STAFF UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN University of Michigan January 2010 Revised July 20 0 GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA Prepared by The Voices Technology and Best Practice Team TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview of General Rules to Social Media Guidelines when Posting as an Social Media Guidelines When Posting on Behalf of the University of Safety Tips for Social Media Networking .6 Overview This document was originally developed to provide a set of guidelines in the use of social media applications within VOICES Community but we believe it has wider application for the University of Michigan. The rapid growth of social media technologies combined with their ease of use and pervasiveness make them attractive channels of communication. However these tools also hold the possibility of a host of unintended consequences. To help you identify and avoid potential issues we have compiled these guidelines. They are examples of best practices from various institutions and are intended to help you understand from a wide range of perspectives the implications of participation in social media. Things to Consider When Beginning to Use Social Media Applications that allow you to interact with others online . Facebook MySpace etc. require careful consideration to assess the implications of friending linking following or accepting such a request from another person. For example there is the potential for misinterpretation of the relationship or the potential of sharing protected information. Relationships such as faculty-student doctorpatient supervisor-subordinate and staff-student merit close consideration of the implications and the nature of the social interaction. The following are some guidelines to follow in these cases. 2. GENERAL GUIDELINES Sharing U-M news events or promoting faculty and student work through social media tools is an excellent low-cost way to engage the community and build our brand. Employees are encouraged
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