tailieunhanh - SCN Soybean Cyst Nematode Management GUIDE

The spectrum utilization policy document entitled General Information Related to Spectrum Utilization and Radio Systems Policies (SP Gen) classifies radio systems as either standard or non-standard. Standard systems are those that conform to the most recent issue of a Spectrum Utilization Policy (SP) and the Radio Systems Policy (RP), whichever is applicable (SP/RP), and when relevant, to the corresponding Standard Radio System Plan (SRSP). Non-standard systems are those that are already licensed and do not conform to the most recent issue of the SP/RP and the SRSP for the frequency band in question. When the Department adopts a policy or system standard for the introduction of more spectrum. | Soybean Cyst Nematode Management SCN remains the most important threat to soybean profitability in North America. J - J irT lx W7 i B. . . -Ẳ T-ffyk 4 2. Your soybean checkoff. Delivering results. SCN Management Guide Soybean Cyst Nematode Management GUIDE FIFTH EDITION PLANT HEALTH INITIATIVE AN NCSRP PROGRAM Table of Contents 4 How important is SCN 5 What is SCN 6 How does SCN affect soybean 7 Does SCN interact with other diseases 9 What does SCN damage look like 10 Soil sampling for SCN 12 Why are SCN numbers variable 12 What are HG types 13 Minimizing SCN impact on yield Your guide to managing SCN-infested fields for increased yield and an increased bottom line This publication was developed with you the soybean grower in mind. Included in these pages are the answers to frequently asked questions along with recommendations based on decades of research on soybean management in SCN-infested fields. This research has shown that soybeans can be produced profitably in spite of SCN. The first move is yours to determine whether you have SCN infestations then tailor a management strategy for your farm. We hope the following sections will be useful to you. I I If you think you don t have SCN you should read this guide. You could have it and not know it. If you know you have SCN there may be more you can do to improve soybean profits. I DO YOU KNOW Soybean cyst nematode SCN is the leading cause of soybean yield loss in North America. SCN symptoms are NOT unique or diagnostic they mayloSklikS those due to many other causes. ScN is not always visible on roots of infected plants. K SCN can causesubstantial yield loss without causing symptoms .