The paper presents an a l g o r i t h m , w r i t t e n in PROLOG, for p r o c e s s i n g E n g l i s h s e n t e n c e s w h i c h contain either Gapping, Right Node R a i s i n g (RNR) or Reduced C o n j u n c t i o n (RC). The DCG (Definite Clause Grammar) formalism (Pereira & Warren 80) is adopted. The algorithm is h. | DEALING WITH CONJUNCTIONS IN A MACHINE TRANSLATION ENVIRONMENT Xluming HUANG Institute of Linguistics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Beijing China ABSTRACT The paper presents an algorithm written in PROLOG for processing English sentences which contain either Gapping Right Node Raising RNR or Reduced Conjunction RC . The DCG Definite Clause Grammar formalism Pereira Warren 80 Is adopted. The algorithm is highly efficient and capable of processing a full range of coordinate constructions containing any number of coordinate conjunctions and or and but . The algorithm is part of an English-Chinese machine translation system which is In the course of construction. 0 INTRODUCTION Theoretical linguists have made a considerable investigation Into coordinate constructions Ross 67a Hankamer 73 Schachter 77 Sag 77 Gazdar 81 and Sobln 82 to name a few giving descriptions of the phenomena from various perspectives. Some of the descriptions are stimulating or convincing. Computational linguists on the other hand have achieved less than their theoretical counterparts. Woods 7 3 s SYSCONJ to my knowledge is the first and the most often referenced facility designed specifically for coordinate construction processing. It can get the correct analysis for RC sentences like 1 John drove his car through and completely demolished a plate glass window but only after trying and falling an Indefinite number of times due to its highly non-determlnistlc nature. Church 79 claims some impressive Initial progress processing conjunctions with his NL parser YAP. Using a Marcus-type attention shift mechanism YAP can parse many conjunction constructions including some cases of Gapping. It doesn t offer a complete solution to conjunction processing though the Gapping sentences YAP deals with are only those with two NP remnants in a Gapped conjunct. Mailing address Cognitive Studies Centre University of Essex Colchester C04 3SQ England. McCord 80 proposes a more straightforward and more .
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