tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "A Case Analysis Method Cooperating with ATNG and Its Application to Machine Translation"

This paper present a n e w method for parsing English sentences. The parser called L U T E - E J parser is combined with case analysis and A T N G - b a s e d analysis. L U T E - E J parser has two interesting mechanical characteristics. O n e is providing a structured buffer, Structured Constituent Buffer, so as to hold previous fillersfor a case structure, instead of case registers before a verb appears in a sentence. The other is extended H O L D mechanism(in ATN), in whose use an embedded. | A Case Analysis Method Cooperating with ATNG and Its Application to Machine Translation Hitoshi HD A Ken taro OGURA and Hirosato NOMURA Musas hino Electrical Communication Laboratory . Musashino-shi Tokyo 180 Japan Abstract This paper present a new method for parsing English sentences. The parser called LUTE-EJ parser is combined with case analysis and ATNG-based analysis. LUTE-EJ parser has two interesting mechanical characteristics. One is providing a structured buffer Structured Constituent Buffer so as to hold previous fillers for a case structure instead of case registers before a verb appears in a sentence. The other is extended HOLD mechanismfin ATN in whose use an embedded clause especially a be-deleted clause is recursively analyzed by case analysis. This parser s features are l extracting a case filler basically as a noun phrase by ATNG-based analysis including recursive case analysis and 2 mixing syntactic and semantic analysis by using case frames in case analysis. 1. Introduction In a lot of natural language processing including machine translation ATNG-based analysis is a usual method while case analysis is commonly employed for Japanese language parser described in this paper consists of two major parts. One is ATNG-based analysis for getting case elements and the other is case-analysis for getting a semantic clause analysis. LUTE-EJ parser has been implemented on an experimental machine translation system LUTE Language Understander Translator Editor which can translate English into Japanese and vice versa. LUTE-EJ is the English-to-Japanece version of LUTE. In case analysis two ways are generally used for parsing. One way analyzes a sentence from left to right by using case registers. Case fillers which fill each case registers are major participants of constituents for example SUBJECT OBJECT PP Prepositional Phrase s and so on in a sentence. In particular before a verb appears at least one participant the subject will be .