Augmented transition network (ATN) grammars have, since their development by Woods [ 7; ~, become the most used method of describing grammars for natural language understanding end question answering systems. The advantages of the ATN notation have been su,naarized as "I) perspicuity, 2) generative power, 3) efficiency of representation, 4) the ability to capture linguistic regularities and generalities, and 5) efficiency of operation., [I , ]. The usual method of utilizing an ATN grammar in a natural language system is to provide an interpreter which can take any ATH graam~ar, a lexicon, and a sentence as data and produce. | GENERALIZED AUGMENTED TRANSITION NETWORK GRAMMARS FOR GENERATION FROM SEMANTIC NETWORKS Stuart c. Shapiro Department of Computer Science SUNJf at Buffalo 1. INTRODUCTION Augmented transition network ATN grammars have since their development by Woods 7 8 become the most used method of describing grammars for natural language understanding and question answering systems. The advantages of the ATN notation have beensummarized as 1 perspicuity 2 generative power 3 efficiency of representation 11 the ability to capture linguistic regularities and generalities and 5 efficiency of opệration 1 . The usual method of utilizing an ATN grannar in a natural language system is to provide an interpreter which can take any ATN grammar a lexicon and a sentence as data and produce either a parse of a sentence or a message that the sentence does not conform to the grantnar. A compiler has been written 2j3 J which takes an ATN graimar as Input and produces a specialized parser for that grammar but In this paper we will presume that an interpreter Is being used. A particular ATN grammar may be viewed as a program written In the ATN language. The program takes a sentence a linear sequence of symbols as Input and produces as output a parse which is usually a parse tree often represented by a LISP S-expression or some knowledge representation such as a semantic network. The operation of the program depends on the Interpreter being used and the particular program grammar as well as on the Input sentence being processed. Several methods have been described for using ATN grammars for sentence generation. One method 1 Is to replace the usual interpreter by a generation interpreter which can take an ATN grammar written for parsing and use It to produce random sentences conforming to the grammar. This Is useful for testing and debugging the granular. Another method 5 uses a modified Interpreter to generate sentences from a semantic network. In this method an ATN register Is .