Research on the text generation task has led to creation of a large systemic grammar of English, Nigel, which is embedded in a computer program. The grammar and the systemic framework have been extended by addition of a semantic stratum. The grammar generates sentences and other units under several kinds of experimental control. This paper describes augmentations of various precedents in the systemic framework. The emphasis is on developments which control the text to fulfill a purpose, and on characteristics which make Nigel relatively easy to embed in a larger experimental program. . | AN OVERVIEW OF THE NIGEL TEXT GENERATION GRAMMAR 1 William c. Mann usc lnformation Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way 1101 Marina del Rey CA 90291 Abstract Research on the text generation task has led to creation of a large systemic grammar of English Nigel which is embedded in a computer program. The grammar and the systemic framework have been extended by addition of a semantic stratum. The grammar generates sentences and other units under several kinds of experimental control. This paper describes augmentations of various precedents in the systemic framework. The emphasis is on developments which control the text to fulfill a purpose and on characteristics which make Nigel relatively easy to embed in a larger experimental program. 1 A Grammar for Text Generation - The Challenge Among the various uses for grammars text generation at first seems to be relatively new. The organizing goal of text generation as a research task is to describe how texts can be created in fulfillment of text Such a description must relate texts to needs and so must contain a functional account of the use and nature of language a very old goal. Computational text generation research should be seen as simply a particular way to pursue that goal. As part of a text generation research project a grammar of English has been created and embodied in a computer program. This grammar and program called Nigel is intended as a component of a larger program called Penman. This paper introduces Nigel with just enough detail about Penman to show Nigel s potential use in a text generation system. This research was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research contract No. F49620-79-C-0181. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements either expressed or implied of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research of the . Government. 2. . A text need is the