When taking a verbal or quantitative section of the paper-based General Test, you are free, within any section, to skip questions that you might have difficulty answering and to come back to them later during the time provided to work on that section. You may also change the answer to any question you recorded on the answer sheet by erasing it completely and filling in the oval corresponding to your desired answer for that question. Each of your scores will be determined by the number of questions for which you select the best answer from the choices given. Questions for which you mark no answer or more than one answer are not counted. | small steps big rewards small steps_____ big rewards Prevent ype2 Diabetes FAT AND CALORIE COUNTER More than 1 500 foods including regional foods from all parts of the United States. Complete information on FAT GRAMS CALORIES Acknowledgments The fat gram and calorie values in the Fat Counter were calculated using the Nutrient Data System NDS version from the University of Minnesota Nutrition Coordinating Center. Appreciation is expressed to Antoinette Angeles Bonnie Gillis Holly Henry and Gaye Koenning for their conscientious work in researching the nutrient values and to Carolyn Huffmyer for her preparation of the manuscript. The nutritionists from the Diabetes Prevention Program and Women s Health Initiative provided valuable suggestions for improving this guide. Version Copyright 1996 by the University of Pittsburgh. All rights reserved. Developed by the Diabetes Prevention Program Lifestyle Resource Core Rena R. Wing PhD and Bonnie Gillis MS RD. Supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institutes of Health. About the Fat Counter The Fat Counter is designed to help you keep track of the number of fat grams and calories you eat. It shows the grams of fat and calories for more than 1 500 commonly eaten foods. Foods are listed from A to z. Regional foods are at the back of the book. Please note If the food is described as having the skin removed or fat trimmed this has been done before cooking. Cooking methods are without added fat unless described differently for example stir-fried . Serving sizes are after cooking if any and with only the parts to be eaten for example no bone . Modified foods low-fat diet etc. are described as such. Foods containing mayo are prepared with imitation mayonnaise. If you eat manufactured products such as frozen dinners or store-bought cookies look at the food label to find the grams and calories. You can add these and other foods that are not in the Fat Counter to