tailieunhanh - SOCIAL MEDIA PREDICTIONS 2009

Applicants should consider in their proposed research design how policing outcomes have been influenced by using the above-referenced applications. Successful applicants will also consider both official agency-sanctioned uses of social media and unofficial practices of the line officers. It is recommended that the application include a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the applicant and the law enforcement agency for the participating jurisdiction(s) under exploration. The application should include data sharing agreements between the applicant and the agencies from which data will be collected. The successful applicant will be expected to produce a variety of audience-specific research and. | SOCIAL MEDIA PREDICTIONS 2009 3SM w 3 IT S THAT TIME Introduction Peter KIM http Community and collaboration are wonderful things. As 2008 has progressed in social media I ve been watching learning and participating with you. Along the way I ve consistently been intrigued and inspired by the thoughts of a core group of individuals whose blogs I consider must subscribes in any RSS reader. You and I are part of an evolving ecosystem even if we aren t paid by the same corporate parent or even competing in the same industries. We possess common interests around social technologies and how they impact the work we do and the lives we lead. To help keep our thinking fresh and forward-looking I ve asked some well-respected thought leaders to share their outlook on 2009 with us and the rest of the world. Enjoy. 1 SOCIAL MEDIA PREDICTIONS 2009 Summary of Contributions David ARMANO Organizations grapple with the human web Rohit BHARGAVA 5 Things Marketers Did In 2008 That Will Be Obsolete In 2009 Pete BLACKSHAW Social media creates indigestion Service gets personal Back to the fundamentals Chris BROGAN Velvet rope social networks Identity aggregation and segmentation Lots and lots of consolidation and shuttering Todd DEFREN The great how Transparency debates continue Multi-channel integration Simplified measurement B2B figures it out Reaching the spectators Jason FALLS Google will have mercy on us and buy Twitter Blogger outreach from public relations professionals will get better but not much Ann HANDLEY Companies increasingly crafting content Green is less Sputtering economy entices companies into social media space Blogging is dead no it isn t Mobile marketing takes off Arianna Huffington becomes the White House embedded blogger Joseph JAFFE Better metrics The rise of MoSoSo Community becomes the killer app Social search Live Charlene LI Obama-maniacs will spawn a new age of activism Exclusivity trumps accessibility Facebook s SocialRank algorithms .