tailieunhanh - Lecture Software quality assurance - Chapter 7 (tt): Dynamic techniques

Lecture Software quality assurance - Chapter 7 (tt) presents the dynamic techniques. The main contents in this chapter includes: White-box techniques, experience-based techniques; choosing test techniques,. Inviting you to refer. | 8 3 2015 1 Overview 2 Life cycle components 3 Infrastructure components 4 Management components 5 Standards and Organizing 6 Static tesing 7 Dynamic testing 8 Test management 9 Tools Dynamic techniques _______ References Dorothy Grahamet Erik van Veenendaal Isabel Evans Rex Black. Foundations of software testing ISTQB Certification Lee Copeland 2004 . A Practitioner s Guide to Software Test Design. Artech House. ISBN 158053791x Slide 2 ite-box techniques Structure-based approach based on the internal structure of a component or system also called glass-box techniques Contents Dynamic techniques Test condition - Test case - Test procedure Black-box techniques White-box techniques Experience-based techniques Choosing test techniques What we may be interested in structures component level program structures integration level the way components interact with others system level how user will interact with the system Output Slide 4 1 8 3 2015 ite-box techniques Some techniques control flow testing statement testing decision testing condition testing decision condition testing multiple condition testing path testing data flow testing Design test cases based on what statements which should be exercised Statement coverage the percentage of executable statements exercised by a test suite Number of statements exercised Total number of statements x100 black-box testing may actually achieve only 60 to 75 statement coverage typical ad hoc testing achieves 30 How to get 100 statement coverage Find out the shortest number of paths which all the nodes will be covered Slide 6 Slide 5 Statement coverage example 1 read a 2 IF a 6 THEN 3 b a 4 ENDIF 5 print b Test case Input Expected output 1 7 7 Statement numbers As all 5 statements are covered by this test case we have achieved 100 statement coverage Slide 7 1 Program Bestinterest 2 Interest Base Rate Balance Real 3 4 Begin 5 Base Rate 6 Interest Base Rate 7 8 Read Balance 9 If Balance 1000 10 Then 11 Interest .