tailieunhanh - Opening Mac OS X Programs

Click a program's icon on the Dock, the Sidebar, or the Finder toolbar. Use Spotlight. Hit -Space bar, type the first letters of the program's name, and then press Return or Enter | . Opening Mac OS X Programs You can launch open a program in any of several ways Click a program s icon on the Dock the Sidebar or the Finder toolbar. Use Spotlight. Hit -Space bar type the first letters of the program s name and then press Return or Enter. Double-click an application s icon in the Finder. If you ve added the Applications folder to your Dock or better yet a folder containing aliases of only the programs you use click the Dock icon to open the stack Section . Then click the program you want or even type the first few letters of its name and then press Return . Highlight an application icon and then press -O short for File Open or -down arrow. Use the submenus of the menu s Recent Items Applications command. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION What s with the Big Duh So I ve just installed Leopard I m all excited and I double-click an Excel document. And now the Mac asks me You are opening Microsoft Excel for the first time. Do you want to continue Well HELLO I double-clicked the icon didn t I Does Apple think I m some kind of idiot It s not you Apple s worried about. It s the silent parade of evil hackers lurking out there in Internet Land waiting for the right moment to bring down the Mac. See in the Windows world spyware authors have to be sneaky about how they install their stuff on your PC. You wouldn t be so stupid as to double-click an application called Spyware Installer of course. So the spyware tricks you into running its installer. It commandeers a certain document type like MP3 or JPEG reassigning it to its installer. You innocently double-click some document but an unanticipated program opens and you ve just opened Pandora s box. In Mac OS X that can t happen. When double-clicking some document opens a program for the first time this dialog box appears just to let you know what s about to happen. If the program that s about to open isn t the one you were expecting well you ve got a chance to back out of it. And if it is the program you .