tailieunhanh - treadle pumps for irrigation in africa

Tham khảo sách 'treadle pumps for irrigation in africa', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, kĩ thuật viễn thông phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | I55S WWJ International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage Knowledge Synthesis Report No. 1 - October 2000 International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage TREADLE PUMPS FOR IRRIGATION IN AFRICA Melvyn Kay FAO 1PTRID Consultant and Tom Brabben Theme Manager IPTRID IPTRID Secretariat Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome. 2000 Thio Onw IMIHMIMIII 85LR-Y5G-WIHY The viral EXỊttXKd io ỦĐÍ paper IK those of the antban. aad do OJI weewanly reflect the v r 4 f the rtd Agrioiftsre Or bsờ txí of the United Nifxxas FAO or the IstcraaiMsal ftoỊnraxn forTcctactogy xcd Rcvciich in Lmp jou - d DniQiẬt íirrRií MCDỈÌUQ cispedfc XỉV rnf . ơ ir podiKts cc lưáođ tónirt decs ttrt ừrọ any codorxmcst by FAO or 1PTRID. đởs nsiiồns employed end thô presentation of the material m this pub CAbon ứữ not 4Tpy the expression of any option whatsoever cn the part GỈ the Food and Agriculture Organization of mo united Nations ccrcOTỉna the legal status of any country territory city or area rx of its aulhcrđias. or ccrcc rc. ig w feirrtiteticn cl its frontiers or tourdaríửs. ISBN 92-5-1044 W2 A J r 5nts rosorrfos Rcoroducuon and dcssamtnalion of material In thia Intofmafon product lc onuoatona cr other non ccmmarcial purposes arc authorized without any prior written permission from the copyright herders provlCẠơ the source 15 luiy ocicnowledgsKf Reproduction of material in this information product for r sate or other ccrnmaroiat purposes is pfOlkbltSd without written permission of ths oepynght helpers. Appliuaticns lc such permission should bo adưre sea to .no Chef. PuWishing and Multimedia Serv 9. fnJormaticA Olviscn. FAO. Viale deite Term di Caracalla. 001Ữ3 Rcme. Maly cr by e-mai to copyfightClao org FAO 20CO Súch có ban .