The GDG noted that there was little new evidence to warrant any change to previous views in this field. The major consensus-based recommendations from the UK and USA emphasise sensible practical implementation of nutritional advice for people with Type 2 diabetes. Other relevant NICE guidance should be considered where relevant, including clinical guideline no. 43 on the assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children and clinical guideline no. 48 which gives dietary and lifestyle advice post-MI. Overlap with the NICE/RCP Type 1 diabetes guideline was noted. Management otherwise will concentrate on principles of healthy eating (essentially those for optimal cardiovascular risk protection), and reduction. | State of Florida THE BASICS OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVISED ISSUE DATE OCTOBER 2009 Florida Department of State State Library and Archives of Florida Tallahassee Florida http RecordsManagers FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE BASICS OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK I. AN INTRODUCTION TO RECORDS A. THE OBJECTIVES OF RECORDS AND INFORMATION B. THE BENEFITS OF RECORDS II. RECORDS MANAGEMENT IN A. FLORIDA S RECORDS MANAGEMENT B. REGULATORY MANDATE FOR RECORDS 1 Chapter 257 Florida 2 Chapter 119 Florida a What is a Public Record .8 b Inspection and Examination of Public c Exemptions from Disclosure Requirements of Florida s Public Records 3 Florida Administrative III. STARTING YOUR RECORDS MANAGEMENT A. INVENTORY PROCEDURES IDENTIFYING B. RETENTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS RETENTION C. FINAL DISPOSITION OF PUBLIC RECORDS . 18 1 Records Disposition a Distinguishing between the different types of retention period b Records Volume Conversion to Cubic Foot 2 Factors That Might Influence the Disposition of 3 Final Disposition of 4 Records Disposition Compliance Statement and RMLO D. Developing a records management IV. ADDITIONAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT V. ARCHIVES AND ARCHIVAL VI. APPENDIX A Obtaining Schedules Handbooks and Other APPENDIX B Records Inventory APPENDIX C Records Management Liaison Officer RMLO Designation Form. 36 APPENDIX D Department of State Records Management and Public Records Request APPENDIX E Public Records and Freedom of Information Policy APPENDIX F Professional FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE BASICS OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK PREFACE The goal of Florida s Records .