tailieunhanh - A Unique Guide to Business

Despite popular belief, people whom are referred to as Gold Diggers, among other names, are in reality some of the most brilliant individuals. They know what they want and they know how to get it. They have a keen marketing sense and understand the underlying principals of economics and business. This book is designed to help others understand and learn from these masters of industry so they too can one day own a deluxe apartment. | A Unique Guide to Business L J Brown Copyright 2012 L J Brown Smashwords Edition Prologue Despite popular belief people whom are referred to as Gold Diggers among other names are in reality some of the most brilliant individuals. They know what they want and they know how to get it. They have a keen marketing sense and understand the underlying principals of economics and business. This book is designed to help others understand and learn from these masters of industry so they too can one day own a deluxe apartment. Chapter 1 Plan for Tomorrow Today So you ve decided to read this book. Well congratulations because today you are going to learn about the principles of business economics and marketing from experts within the industry I am not referring to Wall Street Gamblers aka Stock Brokers Day traders aka loan sharks or Investors aka Inside traders . No my friends today you will learn about the true geniuses. These individuals not only make millions of dollars but in most cases they are never accused of fraud or sent to jail. These are people who know the markets well and how to shop around. They are experts of research and developments masters of craft and now since you are likely growing impatient over my obvious attempt to fill out this page I will cut to the chase and present to you the even more obvious giveaway since you ve already read the title Gold Diggers. Now before we can go any further it is important that you understand exactly what a Gold Digger is. The formal definition of a Gold Digger is aperson who seeks or digs for gold in a field the informal definition is a person that seeks another person solely for his her wealth and finally the urban definition is A bitch trying to weasel you out of your cheddar. Despite the definition that you most agree with I strongly disagree with all of the above. If you took the time to even skim those definitions you would realize that each one except the first one basically describes something or rather someone in