PCM follows an evolutionary approach, and new tools are developed in response to operational requirements. For example, work is currently ongoing within the SCR to develop an aggregate system for monitoring of Commission projects and programmes. The projectlevel monitoring approach presented in this handbook will thus be linked, in the future, to an institution-level monitoring system that will ensure the necessary flow of information between the project and the Commission. Thus the PCM techniques presented here should be seen as flexible and open to linkage with other management tools currently under development within the Commission. Similarly, the handbook reflects the current training requirements of Commission staff. As these requirements evolve, so. | Atlantic Seal Hunt 2002 Management Plan 1 1 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fisheries Management Pêches et Oceans Canada Gestion des pêches Canada Published by Fisheries Resource Management - Atlantic Fisheries and Oceans Canada Ottawa Ontario K1A 0E6 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada 2002 Cat. No Fs23-341 2002 ISBN 0-662-66392-6 Printed on recycled paper Table of Contents 1. The 2002 Atlantic seal hunt at a 2. 3. OVERVIEW OF the Atlantic seal . Species . Harp . Hooded . . Location of the . Timeframe of the . Ice Conditions in . . Harp Seals . 5 . Greenland . Hooded . Grey . Ringed . Other . Total Landings . 9 4. Market . Market Development. 10 . Seal Pelts Fur and Leather . 10 . Seal Meat. 10 . Seal Oil. 10 . Seal Flippers. 10 . Seal Organs. 10 . Value of the Hunt. 11 . Consultation. 11 . Management Approach. 11 5. stock . Prospects for 2002. 12 . Harp Seals . 12 . Hooded Seals . 12 . Grey Seals. 12 . Ringed Seals . 13 . Other Seals. 13 . Environment and Habitat. 13 . Species Interactions. 13 . Research. 14 6. Management . Conservation Sustainability And Hunting Practices. 14 . Long-term Sustainable Use. 15 . A Market-Driven Commercial Hunt Within Conservation Parameters. 15 . Full Use of Each Animal Hunted. 15 . Humane Hunting Practices. 15 . International Considerations. 15 . Greenland Hunt. 15 . Trade and Trade Barriers. 16 . Campaigns and Public Information . 16