tailieunhanh - How to prepare for the foefl part 31

To prepare our students for this new expe¬rience, some of us are experimenting with phone-in speaking practice by using telephone answering machines to record our students when they call. | MODEL TEST 2 301 23. Look at the word communication in the passage. Click on the word or phrase in the bold text that is closest in meaning to communication . End In some cultures applauding in a theater provides performers with an auditory symbol of approval. In other cultures if done in unison applauding can be a symbol of the audience s discontent with the performance. Gestures such as waving and handshaking also communicate certain cultural messages. Although signals signs symbols and gestures are very useful they also have a major disadvantage in communication. They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being directly adjacent to the receiver. Without an exchange of ideas interaction comes to a halt. As a result means of communication intended to be used across long distances and extended periods must be based upon speech. To radio television and the telephone one must add fax paging systems electronic mail and the Internet and no one doubts but that there are more means of communication on the horizon. Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the soil to provide chemical elements essential for plant nutrition so that the yield can be increased. Natural substances such as animal droppings ashes from wood fires and straw have been used as fertilizers in fields for thousands of years and lime has been used since the Romans introduced it during the Empire It was not until the nineteenth century however that chemical fertilizers became widely accepted as normal agricultural practice. Today both natural and synthetic fertilizers are available in a variety of forms. A complete fertilizer is usually marked with a formula consisting of three numbers such as 4-82 or 6-6-4 which designate the percentage of content of nitrogen phosphoric acid and potash in the order stated. Synthetic fertilizers produced by factories are available in either solid or liquid form. Solids in the shape of chemical granules are in demand because they are not only