tailieunhanh - How to prepare for the toefl part 19

They argue that students must be able to recognize errors, learn to read for them, and correct student preparing for the TOEFL will be required not only to recognize correct answers. | STYLE PROBLEM 2 177 Incorrect Mr. Davis tried to finish his research but he found only part of the information that he needs. Correct Mr. Davis tries to finish his research but he finds only part of the information that he needs. or Mr. Davis tried to finish his research but he found only part of the information that he needed. Exercises Part A Choose the correct answer. The first transistor was basically a small chip made of germanium onto one surface of which two pointed wire contacts side by side. A are made B made C were made D making Part B Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it. Because early balloons were at the mercy of shifting winds they are not considered a practical A B C means of transportation until the 1850s. D Point of View Verbs and Adverbs In all patterns avoid using past adverbs with verbs in the present tense. Examples Incorrect Between one thing and another Charles does not finish typing his paper last night. Correct Between one thing and another Charles did not finish typing his paper last night. Incorrect In 1990 according to statistics from the Bureau of Census the population of the United States is 250 000 000. Correct In 1990 according to statistics from the Bureau of Census the population of the United States was 250 000 000. Incorrect We do not receive mail yesterday because it was a holiday. Correct We did not receive mail yesterday because it was a holiday. Incorrect Mary does not finish her homework in time to go with us to the football game yesterday afternoon. Correct Mary did not finish her homework in time to go with us to the football game yesterday afternoon. 178 REVIEW OF STRUCTURE Incorrect Although there are only two hundred foreign students studying at State University in 1990 there are more than five hundred now. Correct Although there were only two hundred foreign students studying at State University in 1990 there are more than five hundred now. Exercises Part A Choose the correct answer. Iron for weapons and