tailieunhanh - Ebook ESG holter - Guide to electrocardiographic interpretation: Part 2

(BQ) Part 2 book "ESG holter - Guide to electrocardiographic interpretation" presents the following contents: Presenting ECG holter data, clinical applications, other ECG recording systems, ECG holter and implanted cardioverter defibrillators, ECG report example, conclusion | Chapter 3 Presenting ECG Holter Data Evaluating the Recording Display Counting Statistics and Graphic Expression of the Sensed and Interpreted Information Frequency Trend The frequency trend expresses the nycthemeral profile of the 24-hr period. The average frequency indicates the acceleration during daily activities and the slowing down during sleep and in this way reflects the neurohormonal activity. The trend modifications either by flattening . in diabetic neuropathy or by enhancement . in neurovegetative dystonia can lead to the correct diagnosis of a specific pathology Fig. . Hourly Expressions The hourly expressions of the heart rate frequency expressed in average minimal and maximal frequency add a great deal to the information particularly to the frequency trend Fig. . The monitored values must be associated with the activities in order to judge the adjustment or nonadjustment of the physical form. A cardiac frequency accelerated in all hourly recordings without an adequate corresponding physical activity suggests anaemia hyperthyroidism etc. Inadequate acceleration of the heart rate during the day is an indication of a physical inaptitude or a subclinical cardiac insufficiency. On the other hand if a bradycardia predominates even though the patient presents physical activity once we have ruled out hypothyroidism we must consider that the sinus function may not be optimal dyschronotropism or that the patient takes bradycardiac medication such as a beta blocker. One must not forget that eye drops which the patient sometimes forgets to mention in the clinical history have betablocking agents. J. Adamec R. Adamec ECG Holter DOI Springer Science Business Media LLC 2008 69 BPM 250 200 150 100 50 0 Heart Rate Trend Fig. The heart rate frequency trend presents a curve which may be considered as normal the lowest heart rate frequencies being around 60 bpm at night and the daytime heart rate acceleration being .