tailieunhanh - Ielts reading tests part 13

Tham khảo tài liệu 'ielts reading tests part 13', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | IELTS fading Tests Key to Test 2 Questions 1-8 1. Answer iv. The paragraph is about the link between tea and hospitality. The answer is not iii because the paragraph is about the continuing tradition of the past it is not limited to Britain and China. It is tempting to put vii as the answer but if you look at the text you will see that the information relating to this heading is between commas. It is additional information and can easily be removed. You can compare it to a non-defining relative clause. So it is not central to the meaning of the whole paragraph. Moreover the passage states in many parts of the world not in all. For more information on paragraph headings see A book for IELTS by McCarter Easton Ash. 2. Answer viii. The heading here should be fairly obvious. 3. Answer i. The paragraph deals with the various ways in which tea has been drunk. The answer is not v see paragraph H where the whole paragraph deals with milk in relation to tea drinking. Compare the answer to Paragraph A for background foreground information. 4. Answer x. The paragraph is about the cost of tea in financial terms. The paragraph sets the scene showing that tea is for the middle classes but when the price falls the poor start drinking it. The answer is not xi as value has a different meaning. 5. Answer ii. The theme of the paragraph is the fact that most religious groups do not object to tea drinking . few do. The answer is not vi as this does not reflect the theme of the paragraph. It is again subsidiary or background information. So it is important for you to see how the pieces of information in a paragraph relate to each other. A plan of the paragraph is as follows Foreground Background Few objections to tea drinking In Islamic cultures no objection Tea coffee versus alcohol Seventh-Day Adventists caffeine frowned upon Note how the points in italics give background information to the main point in the text. It is sometimes difficult for students to make the distinction .