tailieunhanh - Ebook Imaging of the hip & bony pelvis - Techniques and applications: Part 1
(BQ) Part 1 book "Imaging of the hip & bony pelvis - Techniques and applications" presents the following contents: Radiographic evaluation, computed tomography (CT) and CT arthrography, MR and MR arthrography, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, interventional procedures, congenital and developmental abnormalities,. | MEDICAL RADIOLOGY Diagnostic Imaging A. L. Baert Imaging of the Techniques and Applications Ế A springer A. M. Davies . Whitehouse Editors Eds. Imagingofthe Hip BonyPelvis Techniquesa ndApplications With ContsSoutions Sạ- J. E. Adams - H. Ali adet-st. Basie- T. H. Berquist s. Bianchi-X-Buy V. N. Castar-PuHietno-D. . A. M. Dante s. - A. Gangi-A. Anglo S- F. Hem -PHuglree -st . I m-Sf. J . Johnsoo A. - F. E . Lscouvst B. MaldagRe- . ns c. Martieoli -w. c. J tlgh i l- J. I - so. p. Ruehl -X. muRSe-SI J. slnrukisii . t- Teh K. TaHreth .Tins . VvnebR. uH . íoht Foreword by A. Al barrt With 4S3Figuseein7o6Sepusatemusttations o5 inCdos andosTabSes 1 Springer 3HRHAP A. MarkDavies MD ConsultantRadiologist TheMRICentre RoyaS OrthopaudOrHospstd BirmmghiunB31 2AP UK KarlDJohneon MD ConsultiMitPaedOrlrio Radiologist Princies ofiOales BirminmhamChitdren sHospstal Steelhruse Lme BirminhhamBh 6N H UK RichardWi lliamWhitehoune MD Departmehtof ClinicelRadiology Marn l íĩsh irtroe a S Infirmorh Oxford Onad ManchesSer MUAWL UK MericalRadielcgy Diagnostielmaging endRndiation Oncology Serier Editors AiUBaeit-L. w. Ki iareor Contmuotion gf OenPbunh dsrmodizinischoa Rediologie EncydopeOianfMd Mod Raciology Libraryof Codgsees Cootsol Numbom hOO4174OA ISBN 6-540-07047-XSpringoeBor6n HeiPrlberh NswOork ISBN 6b8-3-540-07047-0 OpnngoeBotlio HeiPrlborh NswOork This wook is subi set tocoj yagdht. gss righto gsa 0100 001 0116 10 os oart do the lNSieriotio laioiarua0. epecifi-cally theriuhto gS Orgdslation ieusll0lOin oegse of illustrations SMitotíons . regcoOdotíon oo n0nrhfilmor in 3 0 60 tsoo ooC drage io Oata aS ehsi oublication OS pros oOaoeofireierndtti onlunCeteho proviiunsc f he Gorman houyssght .
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