Finally, in Southern Brazil, production of sugarcane, often for ethanol, is expanding rapidly, under a more mixed regime. About half of production is from medium farmers with an average of about 50 ha. Much of the rest produced in vertically integrated operations with mills on land they manage and operate. While average operated size per mill is some 13,000 ha, some very large operators farm over 300,000 hectares. Argentina presents a somewhat different picture. There, farm management companies, pools de siembra, have emerged that own neither land nor machinery but rent in land and contract machine operators (Regunaga 2010) | RUBBER PRODUCTION IN NIGERIA Extension Bulletin ForestrySeriesNo. 14 Published by National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services Ahmadu Bello University p. M. B. 1067 Zaria. 2000 National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Wiiter Resources Ahmadu Bello University RUBBER PRODUCTION IN NIGERIA Extension Bulletin Number 213 Forestry Series No 14 Acknowledgement The author of this bulletin acknowledge the management of NAERLS ABU and the Rubber Research Institute ofNigeria RRIN who provided the logistic support for the production of this Bulletin. Our appreciation goes to Dr. Johnson Onyibe and Crop Forestry staff for their encouragement which led to the final production. Finally I appreciate the NAERLS Publication Review Committee for editing the manuscript. Uyovisere Edna .