tailieunhanh - Land suitability and feasibility study for oil palm and rubber plantations in south-wést Cameroon Volume 1 Main report

The Land Resources Development Centre, one of the scientific units of the Overseas Development Administration, assists developing countries in mapping, investigating and assessing land resources, and makes recommendations on the use of these resources for the development of agriculture, livestock husbandry and forestry; it also gives advice on related subjects to overseas governments and organisations, makes scientific personnel available for appointment abroad and provides lectures and training courses in the basic techniques of resource appraisal and development. The Centre works in close cooperation with government departments, research institutes, universities and international organisations concerned with land resources assessment and development planning | Laid R s w g Stody 34 Land suitability and feasibility study for oil palm and rubber plantations in south-west Cameroon Volume 1 Main report Land Resources DevelopmerltCentre Land suitability and feasibility study for oil palm and rubber plantations in south-west Cameroon Volume 1 Main report E A Wyrley-Birch I p Anderson w J R Cox M Errington and s H Walker Land Resource Study 34 Land Resources Development Centre Overseas Development Administration Tolworth Tower Surbiton Surrey England KT6 7DY 1982 Scanned from original by ISRIC - World Soil Information as ICSU World Data Centre for Soils. The purpose is to make a safe depository for endangered documents and to make the accrued information available for consultation following Fair Use Guidelines. Every effort is taken to respect Copyright of the materials within the archives where the identification of the Copyright holder is dear and where feasible to contact the originators. For questions please contact indicating the item reference number concerned. LAND RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT CENTRE The Land Resources Development Centre one of the scientific units of the Overseas Development Administration assists developing countries in mapping investigating and assessing land resources and makes recommendations on the use of these resources for the development of agriculture livestock husbandry and forestry it also gives advice on related subjects to overseas governments and organisations makes scientific personnel available for appointment abroad and provides lectures and training courses in the basic techniques of resource appraisal and development. The Centre works in close cooperation with government departments research institutes universities and international organisations concerned with land resources assessment and development planning. CENTRE DE DEVELOPPEMENT DES RESSOURCES DE LA TERRE Le Centre de Développement des Ressources de la Terre I un des organismes scientifiques de I Administration .