tailieunhanh - Ebook Cardiology clinical questions: Part 2

(BQ) Part 2 book "Cardiology clinical questions" presents the following contents: Examination, arrhythmias, congenital heart diseases, heart failure and hypertension, medications. Invite you to consult. | SECTION V EXAMINATION 108 EXAMINATION What are the abnormal pulses in my patient and what cardiac conditions are they associated with M KEY CONCEPT Important information about the patient cardiac status is obtained by physical examination of arterial pulses. A differential diagnosis can be made by inspecting the arterial blood pressure and central peripheral pulses. HISTORY Patient being evaluated presents with abnormal pulses on physical exam. w PHYSICAL EXAM Listen for murmurs rubs gallops location of cardiac impulse parasternal lifts. Ẫ SYNTHESIS SWP Small Weak Pulse. HKP HypoKinetic Pulse. DP Delayed Pulse. LBP Large Bounding Pulse. DPP Double Peak Pulse PWSD Palpable Waves 1 in Systole 1 in Diastole. AAP Alteration of Amplitude Pulse. DPDI Decreased Pulse or absent During Inspiration. SULE Slower Upstroke of Lower Extremity pulse compared to upper extremity disparity in amplitude. PP Pulsus Parvus dimished left ventricular stroke volume narrow pulse pressure increased peripheral vascular resistance HV HyopVolemia LVF Left Ventricular Failure RC Restrictive Cardiomyopathy MS Mitral Stenosis PT Pulses Tardus aortic stenosis with delayed systolic peak left ventricular obstruction. KERKP HypERKinetic Pulse-increased LV stroke volume wide pulse pressure decreased peripheral vascular resistance AV fi stulas mitral regurgitation ventricular septal defect. BWC Bisferiens Water hammer Corrigan aortic regurgitation hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. DICR DICRrotic low stroke volumes dilated cardiomyopathy. PALT Pulsus ALTernans severe impairment of LV function. PPAR Pulsus paradoxus tamponade airway obstruction superior vena cava obstruction. RFD RadioFemoral Delay coarcation of aorta. EXAMINATION 109 E EPIPHANY SWP PP HKP HV or LVF or RC or MS DP PT LBP HERKP DPP BWC PWSD DICR AAP PALT DPDI PPAR SULE RFD DISCUSSION The arterial pulse begins when the aortic valve opens and left ventricle contracts. There is a rapid rise called the anacrotic notch then during isovolumic .