tailieunhanh - Ielts reading tests part 5

Tham khảo tài liệu 'ielts reading tests part 5', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | IELTS Reading Tests 24. The problem with the use of advanced technology in editing is that. A it becomes different from the original B it is unfortunate C it is a luxury D many writers cannot resist changing the text again and again Questions 25-28 Complete the sentences below. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage to complete each blank space. 25. Once a text is finished the writer needs to get the of other people. 26. Some agents may reject the draft of a book while others may offer. 27. Apart from the need for a draft to conform to an in-house style a publisher s changes to a text may include. 28. The publisher s alterations to a book are difficult for a writer as is the as the book grows. Sam McCarter Judith Ash 39 IÊLTS Reading Teds Reading Passage 3 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 29-40. which are based on Reading Passage 3 below. Leisure time A. A raft of forecasts has been made in recent decades predicting the decline in the number of working hours coupled with a consequent increase in leisure time. It was estimated that the leisure revolution would take place by the turn of the last century with hours devoted to work falling to 25-30 per week. This reduction has failed to materialise but the revolution has nonetheless arrived. B. Over the past 30 to 40 years spending on leisure has witnessed a strong increase. According to the annual family expenditure survey published in 1999 by the Office for National Statistics the average household in the United Kingdom spent more on leisure than food housing and transport for the very first time. And the trend is also set to continue upwards well into the present century. C. The survey based on a sample of 6 500 households showed that the days are long gone when the average family struggled to buy basic foods. As recently as 1960 family spending on food was approximately one third compared to 17 now. Twelve years later there was a noticeable shift towards leisure with the percentage of household