tailieunhanh - Modeling and Rendering for Realistic Facial Animation

In regard to 3D modeling, there are three primary operations: addition, subtraction, and intersection. In order to create a boolean object, you first need two other objects. They can be primitves or other meshes. They also need to intersect in 3D space. If you do addition, the resulting object will be the sum of the two initial objects. It will look as if the two were welded. If substration is what you are doing, the second object get subtracted from the first one. A hole in the shape of the second object is created in the first one. All the space that was occupied by both of. | Presented at the Eleventh Eurographics Rendering Workshop June 2000. Modeling and Rendering for Realistic Facial Animation Stephen R. Marschner Brian Guenter Sashi Raghupathy Microsoft Corporation1 Abstract. Rendering realistic faces and facial expressions requires good models for the reflectance of skin and the motion of the face. We describe a system for modeling animating and rendering a face using measured data for geometry motion and reflectance which realistically reproduces the appearance of a particular person s face and facial expressions. Because we build a complete model that includes geometry and bidirectional reflectance the face can be rendered under any illumination and viewing conditions. Our face modeling system creates structured face models with correspondences across different faces which provide a foundation for a variety of facial animation operations. 1 Introduction Modeling and rendering realistic faces and facial expressions is a difficult task on two levels. First faces have complex geometry and motion and skin has reflectance properties that are not modeled well by the shading models such as Phong-like models that are in wide use this makes rendering faces a technical challenge. Faces are also a very familiar possibly the most familiar class of images and the slightest deviation from real facial appearance or movement is immediately perceived as wrong by the most casual viewer. We have developed a system that takes a significant step toward solving this difficult problem to this demanding level of accuracy by employing advanced rendering techniques and using the best available measurements from real faces wherever possible. Our work builds on previous rendering modeling and motion capture technology and adds new techniques for diffuse reflectance acquisition structured geometric model fitting and measurement-based surface deformation to integrate this previous work into a realistic face model. 2 Previous Work Our system differs from much