tailieunhanh - Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 15

The reason for this is sim¬ple: Academic institutions want to be sure that you can read, write, and comprehend spoken English so that you can succeed in the college classroom. Sometimes, this test will also be used to evaluate you by many government, licensing, and certifi¬cation agencies, or exchange and scholarship programs. | WORD LIST 133 derisive di- ri-siv adj. scornful expressing ridicule mocking jeering. In order to promote freedom of expression derisive comments were forbidden in the classroom. derivative di- riv-a-tiv n. something that is derived or made by derivation. adj. derived from another source unoriginal. The word atomic is a derivative of the word atom. desecrate des-e-krayt v. to violate the sacredness of to profane. Someone desecrated the local cemetery by spray-painting graffiti on tombstones. destitute des-ti-toot adj. 1. penniless extremely poor. 2. utterly lacking. After the economy declined many families were left destitute. desultory des-ul-tohr-ee adj. aimless haphazard moving from one subject to another without logical connection. Ichabod s desultory ramblings worsened as his disease progressed. detract di- trakt v. to draw or take away from to remove part of something diminish. Unfortunately Helen s slovenly appearance detracted from the impact of her otherwise brilliant presentation. dichotomy di- kot-o-mee n. division into two usually contradictory parts or kinds. When the teacher broached the subject of politics there was a predictable dichotomy among the students. diffident dif-i-dent adj. lacking self-confidence shy and timid. Alan used to be so diffident but now he s as gregarious as can be and is usually the life of the party. diffuse di fyooz v. 1. to spread throughout disperse extend. 2. to soften make less brilliant. adj. 1. spread out scattered not concentrated. 2. wordy verbose. The perfume she sprayed diffused throughout her bedroom. digress dn gres v. to turn aside deviate or swerve to stray from the main subject in writing or speaking. Her argument digressed from the main problem she had about her friend s spending habits. dilatory dihadohnee adj. slow or late in doing something intended to delay especially to gain time. Miguel s dilatory approach to getting himself up and dressed was his own small act of passive resistance to having to work on