tailieunhanh - Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 9

If so, it's a verb. Is it describing something? Then it's an adjective or adverb. Is it the subject—the person, place or thing performing the action in the sentence? It's a noun or pronoun. Use the surrounding context to help you guess the meaning or at least the part of speech of an unfamiliar word. | COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS-HOMONYMS 73 ANSWERS How did you do on identifying the correct word Check your answers here and then analyze the results to figure out your plan of attack for mastering this topic. 1. alluded. To allude means to make an indirect reference to. 2. extent. Extent means the range distance or degree to which something reaches or extends. 3. disbursed. To disburse means to pay out. 4. ingenious. Ingenious means marked by inventive skill or creativity showing inventiveness and skill remarkably clever. 5. waive. To waive is to give up a right or claim voluntarily relinquish to refrain from enforcing or insisting upon a rule penalty standard procedure etc. . 6. proceed. To proceed means to go forward or onward especially after an interruption move on advance. 7. imminent. Imminent means about to occur impending. 8. prosecuted. To prosecute is to bring a criminal action against someone. 9. ascent. An ascent is an upward slope a movement upward advancement. 10. censor. To censor is to forbid the publication distribution or other public dissemination of something because it is considered obscene or otherwise politically or morally unacceptable. 6 dioms and Vocabulary Variations Sometimes you will hear English expressions that sound familiar but are hard to define outside of the context in which they are used. They re called idioms. Although they don t always follow the general rules of word usage they are an integral part of any language and are important for you to know. An idiom can sometimes mean one of a number of things depending on how it s used within a sentence. In its simplest form an idiom is an everyday term or expression whose meaning evolved over time as it was used in conversation and informal writing. You will get a better idea of what idioms are by looking at these examples I was tied up at the office until late last night. He was on the phone when I got to his house. The candidate s spin doctors were on hand to offer comment on the .