tailieunhanh - World Economic and Social Survey, 2004**

For example, adding an urban highway lane typically accommodates about 2,000 additional daily vehicle trips. 2 Although this reduces congestion on that roadway (at least temporarily, until generated traffic fills the capacity), it often increases “downstream” surface street traffic congestion, increases parking demand, requires travelers to own and operate automobiles, and if additional vehicle travel is induced it increases accidents, energy consumption, pollution and sprawl, all costs that could be reduced if the same trips are made by alternative modes. Residents of multi-modal communities tend to spend less on transportation overall, as illustrated in Figure 5, savings $1,000 to. | United Nations E 2004 75 Economic and Social Council Distr. General 10 June 2004 Original English Substantive session of 2004 New York 28 June-23 July 2004 Item 2 of the provisional agenda Resources mobilization and enabling environment for poverty eradication in the context of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 World Economic and Social Survey 2004 Chapter I The world economy in 2004 Summary Prospects for growth of the world economy after a sub-par performance for about three consecutive years have improved conspicuously in 2004. The strength of the world economy remains however largely cyclical in nature and the accelerating phase of the expansion in most economies is expected to end gradually in the second half of 2004. The key challenge for policy makers worldwide is therefore how to transform the strong cyclical upturn into sustained robust long-run growth. The improvement in the economic outlook has been almost universal across countries but differences in economic vigour among regions and countries remain. The economy of the United States of America is expanding apace with the latest indication of a long-awaited revival in employment providing one more vital support for continued growth. The recovery in Japan has been stronger and more tenacious than expected by most analysts increasing the probability that the economy will be able to extricate itself from its decade-long stagnation and deflation. Developing economies in Asia have been further strengthening their performance with the dynamism of their international trade generating growing synergies for the region E 2004 100. The final version of World Economic and Social Survey 2004 will be issued as a United Nations sales publication Sales No. . 1 . The document was submitted late to the conference services without the explanation required under paragraph 8 of General Assembly resolution 53 208 B by which the Assembly had .