tailieunhanh - A Review of the Uses of Poultry Eggshells and Shell Membranes

The hormones which may enhance growth are actually proteins. Therefore, if they were consumed in the feed they would be digested in the same way as the corn or soybean meal that they eat. The only way for a growth hormone to be effective would be to inject it everyday in the same manner as Insulin is to treat diabetes. Logically speaking it is physically impossible to inject the 5 billion broilers grown annually in the US each and every day. Chicken growth hormone is produced for use in scientific research, which. | International Journal of Poultry Science 10 11 908-912 2011 ISSN 1682-8356 Asian Network for Scientific Information 2011 A Review of the Uses of Poultry Eggshells and Shell Membranes . King ori Department of Animal Sciences Egerton University . Box 536-20115 Egerton Kenya Abstract This study was conducted to find out the multiple uses of eggshells in nutrition and medicine. Eggshells can be utilized for various purposes that minimize their effect on environmental pollution. Eggshells present healthy balanced calcium due to its trace amounts of other minerals and is probably the best natural source of calcium. One whole medium sized eggshell makes about one teaspoon of powder which yields about 750-800 mgs of elemental calcium plus other micro elements. Eggshell powder has been reported to increase bone mineral density in people and animals with osteoporosis. In laying hens in the late production phase eggshell powder has been found to increase egg production and improve the quality of shells. Discarded eggshells are often used as a plant fertilizer and are effective liming sources. This is because eggshells contain calcium that raises or neutralizes the pH level of overly acidic soil. Chicken eggshells can be used as an alternative soil stabilizer like lime since they have the same chemical composition. Such stabilized soil can be used as subgrade materials in road construction works. Eggshell membrane consists of collagen as a component. Collagen is a type of protein fibrous in nature that connects and supports other bodily tissues such as skin bone tendons muscles and cartilage. Collagen has been isolated mainly from bovine and swine skins and bones Collagen used in medicine biochemical pharmaceutical food and cosmetics industries. After the outbreaks of bovine spongioform encephalopathy foot and mouth disease autoimmune and allergic reactions restrictions on collagen uses from these sources were enforced. Eggshell membrane collagen is very low in .

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