tailieunhanh - Vocabulary for ielts part 6

At thefront of the book is a summary of what is in each part of the IELTS test. The last five units of the book provide a general guide to learning and using new vocabulary. Units 21 and 22 give useful tips on developing vocabulary and using a dictionary. | 9 The natural world Now read the rest of the text and match the words in italics to the definitions below. Other introduced species have proved similarly disastrous among native Australian animals. Since the introduction of the cat the fox and the rabbit from Europe 19 species of native animals have become extinct and a further 250 species are considered to be either endangered or vulnerable. The modern-day approach to the biological control of pests is through genetically modified crops. It remains to be seen whether this controversial method will have any long-term repercussions particularly in regards to the ecological balance of the environment where they are grown. Some fear that insects may become resistant to these new crops and therefore become even more difficult to control. 1 at risk. 2 negative effects. 3 to stop being affected by something 4 at risk of dying out. 5 no longer existing. 6 crops whose genes have been scientifically changed 7 extremely bad or unsuccessful. 8 the relationship between plants animals land air and water. WORD BUILDING Complete the table. You do not need to write anything in the shaded areas. Noun Adjective Adverb Verb agriculture agricultural ecology evolve extinct extinct nature genetic 3 Improve the text by replacing the words in italics with a suitable word or phrase from this unit. Some farmers believe that growing 1 fruit and vegetables that have been 2 changed so that their genes are different is a good way to 3 totally stop pests and improve the quality of their produce. However this type of4 farming has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is that farmers can grow plants that produce a poison that is harmful to 5 small animals like flies and caterpillars. This means that farmers will not have to use 6 chemicals to kill these animals and so this should be better for the surrounding environment and the 7 earth that plants grow in. As a result it could help to protect other 8 plants as well as .