tailieunhanh - Ten Steps to Equity in Education

However the fact that the nations with most effi cient corpo- rations are generally the societies with highest utility does not prove that effi cient corporations are the cause. Other factors such as better education systems, infrastructure, social change and technological change might all be identifi ed as possible causes of economic growth. Effi cient corporations might be a product of economic growth in a nation, rather than the cause. At the level of individual fi rms it is more diffi cult to validate the economic effi ciency argument. It would be necessary to. | OECD JANUARY 2008 ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Ten Steps to Equity in Education What are the challenges for equity in education How to improve the design of education systems How to improve practices in and out of the classroom How to improve resourcing for equity in education For further information For further reading Where to contact us Introduction Education plays a key role in determining how you spend your adult life - a higher level of education means higher earnings better health and a longer life. By the same token the long-term social and financial costs of educational failure are high. Those without the skills to participate socially and economically generate higher costs for health income support child welfare and social security systems. So a fair and inclusive system that makes the advantages of education available to all is one of the most powerful levers to make society more equitable. Education has expanded significantly in the past half-century but hopes that this would automatically bring about a fairer society have been only partly realised. Women have made dramatic advances but overall social mobility has not risen and in some places inequalities of income and wealth have increased. As ever more students go on to university or professional education many are still being left behind. Across OECD countries nearly one in three adults have only primary or lower secondary education - a real disadvantage in terms of employment and life chances. At the same time increased migration poses new challenges for social cohesion in some countries while other countries face longstanding issues of integrating minorities. Fair and inclusive education for migrants and minorities is a key to these challenges. Equity in education enhances social cohesion and trust. This Policy Brief looks at how to improve equity in education in three key policy domains the design of education systems practices both in and out of school and resourcing. It