tailieunhanh - Webmaster's Guide to the Wireless Internet part 30

Webmaster's Guide to the Wireless Internet part 30. The Webmaster’s Guide to the Wireless Internet provides the Wireless Webmaster with all of the tools necessary to build the next generation Internet. Packed with the essential information they need to design, develop, and secure robust, e-commerce enabled wireless Web sites. This book is written for advanced Webmasters who are experienced with conventional Web site design and are now faced with the challenge of creating sites that fit on the display of a Web enabled phone or PDA | 262 Chapter 6 Web Clipping Developing Deploying. The Localicon Meta Tag It is possible to include extra images within a WCA by specifying them as a Locallcon by using the following syntax meta name LocalIcon content Doing so will instruct the WCA Builder to bundle the image within your .pqa thus ensuring that the icon exists on the local device we recommend including all of these references in the index page of your application to keep track of them . You can reference these images later in your server responses with the following syntax img src file Clipper will find the image on the local device and display it to the user without them having to download the image from your Web site and send it over the air to the device. This is the preferred method of using images in a server response. It will require some forethought when you initially build your WCA but it will help to create a faster and cheaper user experience Using the a Tag The anchor tag is the defining feature of HTML versus other document technologies and arguably the most important tag in any Webmaster s anchor tag supports three different attributes within Clipper href name and meaning and syntax of these attributes is described in Table . Table Attributes of the a Tag Attribute Description Syntax Href Refers to the location of the a href Text a document being linked to identical to desktop browser Name Refers to the anchor itself a name Text a identical to desktop browser Button Displays link as button unique a href button Text a to Clipper Web Clipping Chapter 6 263 The protocols shown in Table are valid with an anchor tag in a Web clipping sent to a browser or WCA installed on the device. Table Protocols Valid with the a Tag Protocol Resource http Uniform Resource Identifier URI accessed via HTTP https Uniform Resource Identifier URI accessed via secure HTTP mailto E-mail address accessed via the Exchange .