tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "Extending Lambek grammars: a logical account of minimalist grammars"

We provide a logical definition of Minimalist grammars, that are Stabler’s formalization of Chomsky’s minimalist program. Our logical definition leads to a neat relation to categorial grammar, (yielding a treatment of Montague semantics), a parsing-asdeduction in a resource sensitive logic, and a learning algorithm from structured data (based on a typing-algorithm and type-unification). Here we emphasize the connection to Montague semantics which can be viewed as a formal computation of the logical form. . | Extending Lambek grammars a logical account of minimalist grammars Alain Lecomte CLIPS-IMAG Universite Pierre Mendes-France BSHM - 1251 Avenue Centrale Domaine Universitaire de St Martin d Heres BP 47 - 38040 GRENOBLE cedex 9 France Christian Retore IRIN Universite de Nantes 2 rue de la Houssiniere BP 92208 44322 Nantes cedex 03 France retore@ Abstract We provide a logical definition of Minimalist grammars that are Stabler s formalization of Chomsky s minimalist program. Our logical definition leads to a neat relation to categorial grammar yielding a treatment of Montague semantics a parsing-as-deduction in a resource sensitive logic and a learning algorithm from structured data based on a typing-algorithm and type-unification . Here we emphasize the connection to Montague semantics which can be viewed as a formal computation of the logical form. 1 Presentation The connection between categorial grammars especially in their logical setting and minimalist grammars which has already been observed and discussed Retore and Stabler 1999 deserve a further study although they both are lexicalized and resource consumption or feature checking is their common base they differ in various respects. On the one hand traditional categorial grammar has no move operation and usually have a poor generative capacity unless the good properties of a logical system are damaged and on the other hand minimalist grammars even though they were provided with a precise formal definition Stabler 1997 still lack some computational properties that are crucial both from a theoretical and a practical viewpoint. Regarding applications one needs parsing generation or learning algorithms and considering more conceptual aspects such algorithms are needed too to validate or invalidate linguistic claims regarding economy or efficiency. Our claim is that a logical treatment of these grammars leads to a simpler description and well defined computational properties. Of