Although the promotion of this policy space has to form part of bilateral and regional trade agreements, it essentially includes a change in the operating mechanisms of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). 5 And, despite the fact that the WTO usually presents itself as an example of multilateral democratic governability (in the organisation every member State has a vote, a system absent in other bodies such as the International Monetary Fund –IMF– and the World Bank), several authors have identified deficiencies in this respect. These could be resolved, for example, by reviewing the ‘green room’ procedure, which enables agreements. | UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA FACULTY OF ECONOMICS MASTER THESIS Career Development of Graduates in Economics and Business Administration in Croatia Ljubljana December 2005 Ivana Tadic IZJAVA Studentka Ivana Tadic izjavljam sa sem avtorica tega magistrskega dela ki sem ga napisala pod mentorstvom dr. doc. Nade Zupan in skladno s 1. odstavkom 21. clena Zakona o avtorskih in sorodnih pravicah dovolim objavo magistrskega dela na fakultetskih straneh. V Ljubljani dne 02. 12. 2005. Podpis TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION. 1 . PROBLEM DEFINITION. 1 . THE AIM AND THE GOALS OF THE RESEARCH. 3 . METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH. 4 . STRUCTURE. 5 2. THEORETICAL ASPECT OF CAREER AND ITS DEVELOPMENT. 7 . DEFINITION OF CAREER AND ITS DEVELOPMENT. 7 . CAREER DEVELOPMENT. 8 . Career planning and career management. 11 . Career systems and strategy. 13 . Stages in career development. 15 . Stage I. - Apprenticeship. 16 . Stage II. - Advancement. 17 . Stage III. - Maintenance. 18 . Stage IV. - Strategic thinking. 18 . Facing a plateau in career development cycle. 19 . Vertical horizontal and lateral movements. 21 . Turnover. 22 . ROLES IN CAREER DEVELOPMENT. 24 . Individual s role. 24 . Manager s role. 26 . Manager as a coach. 27 . Manager as a mentor. 27 . Manager as a counsellor. 28 . The organisation s role. 29 3. FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE CAREER DEVELOPMENT. 31 . ORGANISATIONAL CAREER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS. 31 . Self-assessment tools. 31 . Individual counselling. 32 . Information services. 32 . Organisational assessment processes. 34 . Developmental programs. 34 . PERSONAL FACTORS. 35 . Attitudes. 35 . Personality. 36 . Knowledge skills and abilities. 36 . KNOWLEDGE AND CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT