tailieunhanh - Lecture Software testing and analysis - Chapter 24: Documenting analysis and test

In this chapter you will learn: Understand the purposes and importance of documentation, identify some key quality documents and their relations, understand the structure and content of key quality documents, appreciate needs and opportunities for automatically generating and managing documentation. | Learning objectives Documenting Analysis and Test Understand the purposes and importance of documentation Identify some key quality documents and their relations Understand the structure and content of key quality documents Appreciate needs and opportunities for automatically generating and managing documentation c 2007 Mauro Pezzè Michal Young Ch 24 slide 1 c 2007 Mauro Pezzè Michal Young Ch 24 slide 2 Why Produce Quality Documentation Major categories of documents Monitor and assess the process - For internal use process visibility - For external authorities certification auditing Improve the process - Maintain a body of knowledge reused across projects - Summarize and present data for process improvement Increase reusability of test suites and other artifacts within and across projects Planning documents - describe the organization of the quality process - include organization strategies and project plans Specification documents - describe test suites and test cases as well as artifacts for other quality tasks - test design specifications test case specification checklists analysis procedure specifications Reporting documents - Details and summary of analysis and test results c 2007 Mauro Pezzè Michal Young Ch 24 slide 3 c 2007 Mauro Pezzè Michal Young Ch 24 slide 4 Metadata Documents should include metadata to facilitate management - Approval persons responsible for the document - History of the document - Table of Contents - Summary relevance and possible uses of the document - Goals purpose of the document- Who should read it and why - Required documents and references reference to documents and artifacts needed for understanding and exploiting this document - Glossary technical terms used in the document SOFTWARE TESTING c 2007 Mauro Pezze Michal Young Ch 24 slide 5 Chipmunk Document Template continued Table of Contents List of sections Summary Summarize the contents of the document. The summary should clearly explain the relevance of the .