Because of the frequent, often daily, exposure to a large number and diversity of pathogens (disease-causing agents), wastewater personnel have general and specific concerns related to the potential health hazards presented by pathogens. Pathogens commonly found in wastewater and of concern to wastewater personnel include viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and helminths. Allergens, endotoxins, and exotoxins are also found in wastewater and represent a concern to wastewater personnel. Although most health hazards related to date with wastewater pathogens are minimal or nil, unique and potential hazards do exist, and much research work needs to be performed to better evaluate existing and potential hazards. Operator concerns, health hazards, and the emergence. | WILEY Wastewater Pathogens MICHAEL H. GERARDI MEL c. ZIMMERMAN Wastewater Microbiology Series Wastewater Pathogens WASTEWATER MICROBIOLOGY SERIES Editor Michael H. Gerardi Nitrification and Denitrification in the Activated Sludge Process Michael H. Gerardi Settleability Problems and Loss of Solids in the Activated Sludge Process Michael H. Gerardi The Microbiology of Anearobic Digesters Michael H. Gerardi Wastewater Pathogens Michael H. Gerardi and Mel C. .