tailieunhanh - The Benchmark Email Complete Guide

Welcome to Your Quick Start Guide. We have formatted this quick start guide to help you dive right into the basic mechanics of email marketing. This is a step-by-step guide with chapters occurring in the order in which you would naturally go through the email marketing process. | QUICK START Guide to Email Marketing Track Your Success Online Create Your Content 2 Welcome to Your Quick Start Guide We have formatted this quick start guide to help you dive right into the basic mechanics of email marketing. This is a step-by-step guide with chapters occurring in the order in which you would naturally go through the email marketing process. What This Is Not We want this guide to be fast mechanical and efficient. We will not take time with excessive definitions back story or theories about the the how why. If you feel like you need a more thorough primer on the overall topic of email marketing we have written a comprehensive manual entitled The Benchmark Email Complete Guide to Email Marketing. You can download that too. You Will Be Guided Through These Steps Step One Get Subscribers - Customers clients or prospects give you permission to email them because they want to get information from you. Let s call them subscribers. Step Two Organize Your Lists - You organize email lists of these subscribers based on location spending patterns or any other category that makes sense to you. Step Three Create Your Content - You create or write content to send these clients. This can include text e-coupons links pictures and even video. Let s call these newsletters. Step Four Schedule Delivery - You schedule the email delivery to some or all of the members of your lists. You may choose to have different newsletters to go out at predetermined times. Step Five Subscribers Respond Open Click-thru - Customers receive your content in their email inboxes. When they read your newsletters we call these opens. They respond to your marketing campaign by coming to your store performing a click-thru to your links etc. Emails that are undeliverable are called bounces. Step Six Track Your Success Online - You monitor the success of your campaigns with online reports and make adjustments accordingly. The measuring of all those opens click-thru activity and bounces is .