tailieunhanh - County business patterns

County Business Patterns provides data on the total number of establishments, mid-March employment, first quarter and annual payroll, and number of establishments by nine employment-size classes by detailed industry for all counties in the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas(American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Virgin Islands). | c s -1 OK 197- County Business Patterns 1997 II C nrw1 Kentucky I ft r 13a A-I orc 15 Í59S Srj AUL tXVPus i har rJ use .USBUREAU ỉnfíumc ỉỉeciỹỊons oemnwHi inn mm ml A itu f 4i Itn a ilk Hill A Được số hóa W Ogl ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TÌ1K report was prepared under the general directKX1 of Carl A. Korsch nik. Assistant division Chief fot Research and Methodology ÉconọmK Planning and Coped Ml at I on OlviSiQfi. Paul Hanczaryk. Chief. Register Analysis Branch. Supervised lhe preparation of this report and was awitted by Phil Thompson. ThofiSAS Bell and Gerald Feuer. Kasey Dickenson Yolanda Funderburk. Mary Green MarHyn Italiano. Alan Pines. Mary Thomas and Jon Youngman contributed in resolving establishment processing problems and in dm anjtyjis. UbM al methodology and quality asiucance operations were performed by Ken Sa US nun Mkhael Thomas Cavis Lind say Lovttte. end Robert Custard. Mitchell 1 Tracer Awscun ỒW4ỌC1 Chief for Evàluàtion and lnfú vnation Systems. Governments PIviSAXi. assisted by John Sullivan provided guidance for computer processing. John Mudds and Glenn Canes implemented these operation and 0íúv eđ general lecta cal support. Steven McCraĩth Chief. Quinquennial Surveys Branch. Economic Statistical Methods and PfogramniMig Division. assisted by Dan Vac co. supers cd computer sup port operations. Ed Carr was asvgncd primary responsibility for programming this report. Emory Fuller provided AƠỠV tipfMl support for computer operations. David Chapman of Che Econofflic Statistical Methods and pfogummwig Division contributed to lhe editing iystcnx and provided other methodological improvements. The staff of the Administrative and Customer Services Division. Walter c. Odom Chef performed publication planning design composition editorial review and priming punning and procurement for publications internet products and reports forms. Barbara Abbott provided publication coordination and editing. Được số hóa bời Google County Business Patterns .