tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "Interpreting Semantic Relations in Noun Compounds via Verb Semantics"

We propose a novel method for automatically interpreting compound nouns based on a predefined set of semantic relations. First we map verb tokens in sentential contexts to a fixed set of seed verbs using WordNet::Similarity and Moby’s Thesaurus. We then match the sentences with semantic relations based on the semantics of the seed verbs and grammatical roles of the head noun and modifier. Based on the semantics of the matched sentences, we then build a classifier using TiMBL. | Interpreting Semantic Relations in Noun Compounds via Verb Semantics Su Nam Kim and Timothy Baldwin f Computer Science and Software Engineering University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Australia and t NICTA Victoria Research Lab University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Australia snkim tim @ Abstract We propose a novel method for automatically interpreting compound nouns based on a predefined set of semantic relations. First we map verb tokens in sentential contexts to a fixed set of seed verbs using WordNet Similarity and Moby s Thesaurus. We then match the sentences with semantic relations based on the semantics of the seed verbs and grammatical roles of the head noun and modifier. Based on the semantics of the matched sentences we then build a classifier using TiMBL. The performance of our final system at interpreting NCs is . 1 Introduction The interpretation of noun compounds hereafter NCs such as apple pie or family car is a well-established sub-task of language understanding. Conventionally the NC interpretation task is defined in terms of unearthing the underspecified semantic relation between the head noun and modi-fier s . pie and apple respectively in the case of apple pie. NC interpretation has been studied in the context of applications including question-answering and machine translation Moldovan et al. 2004 Cao and Li 2002 Baldwin and Tanaka 2004 Lauer 1995 . Recent work on the automatic semi-automatic interpretation of NCs . Lapata 2002 Rosario and Marti 2001 Moldovan et al. 2004 and Kim and Baldwin 2005 has made assumptions about the scope of semantic relations or restricted the domain of interpretation. This makes it difficult to gauge the general-purpose utility of the different methods. Our method avoids any such assumptions while outperforming previous methods. In seminal work on NC interpretation Finin 1980 tried to interpret NCs based on hand-coded rules. Vanderwende 1994 attempted the automatic interpretation of NCs .